Sarcoscypha (Fr.) Boud. |
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Gattungsdiagnose: Fruchtkörper aus teller- bis becherförmigen Apothecien, - 5 cm Ø, einzeln bis büschelig, dem Substrat direkt aufsitzend, oder mit kurzem Stielchen. Hymenium konkav, scharlachrot, orange oder auch ganz weiß. Außenseite des Stieles eben oder gekerbt, weißlich, glatt, samtig oder filzig. Ektalexcipulum dünn, aus textura primatica/angularis bestehend. Medullläres Excipulum aus textura intricata, mit septierten, selten verzweigten Hyphen. Paraphysen filiform, verzweigt, septiert und apikal nur schwach verdickt. Asci unitunicat, suboperculat, lang zylindrisch und basal oft zugespitzt, dickwandig mit negativer Jod-Reaktion, 8-sporig. Ascosporen 1-zellig, hyalin, im Ascus uniserat, ellipsoid - eiförmig-ellipsoid oder subzylindrisch, symmetrisch, glatt mit Öltröpfchen. Anamorphen sind nicht bekannt. Habitat auf totem, morschem Holz oder Erde. Systematische Einordnung:
Typus-Art: Sarcoscypha coccinea (Scop.) Lambotte Beck Basionym: Peziza trF. Sarcoscyphae Fr. Synonyme: Scypharia Quél. |
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Bestimmungsschlüssel (nach BARAL): A. Ascospores *(17-)18-19-21 µm long, containing several LBs 1-4 µm diam., poles slightly truncate, nuclear region constantly lateral, without sheath. Conidia of anamorph produced on short germ tubes on ascospores, 5.5-6.5 x 3 µm, bi- or multiguttulate. Apothecia 2.5-5 mm diam. .. S. occidentalis -> Ascosporen min. 21-30 µm long .. B B. Ascospores containing one (5-)6-7.5 µm large LB near each pole (rarely instead two or three 4-6 µm large LBs, often associated with some much smaller ones), at the ends partly distinctly truncate to slightly indented, with a mucilaginous sheath surrounding the entire spore (living material, within living asci forming caps at the spore ends). Conidia of anamorph only formed on mycelium, *7-15 x 2.5-3.5 µm, containing a few small LBs near each end (low lipid content) .. S. jurana -> Ascospores in living specimens (!) with c. 10-20 smaller (usually < 4.5 µm) LBs grouped near each pole (however, in dead material often fused to form one large body). Mucilaginous sheath never surrounding the whole spore .. C C. Excipular hairs strikingly irregularly sinuous to coiled and convoluted like a corkscrew. Ascospores partly with distinctly flattened to slightly indented poles, with several medium-sized LBs 1.5-3(-4.5) µm diam. near each pole, usually with a small mucilaginous cap on each pole, in older ascocarps germinating by (1-)2(-4) short germ tubes that form conidia of anamorph, even within dead asci: conidia *12-16(-18.7) x (4-)4.5-5.5(-6) µm, multiguttulate (high lipid content), paraphyses often inflated in middle part .. S. austriaca -> Excipular hairs predominantly straight or only slightly sinuous. Ascospores at best in dead material very slightly truncated at the ends, never indented, conidia only formed on mycelium, never on ascospores, paraphyses never inflated .. D D. Ascospores predominantly *22-33 x 9-11.5 µm, LBs 0.5-1.5(-2) µm diam., ascocarps 6-20 mm diam., anamorph unknown .. S. macaronesica -> Ascospores predominantly *25-40 x 11-14 µm, ascocarps 10-90 mm diam. .. E E. Ascospores mature always without mucilaginous sheath (N-America: with sheath!), with several rather small LBs (1-3 µm) near each pole, conidia of anamorph *4-5.5(-6.5) x 2.2-2.6 µm, with two large polar and some small LBs .. S. coccinea -> Ascospores with rather large polar mucilaginous caps, with one or several medium large LBs (c. 2-4-5-6 µm) near each pole, conidia of anamorph 3.5-5.2 x 2.5-3 µm, guttulation unknown .. S. dudleyi Literatur:
(Jürgen Marqua) |